
Taihenjutsu - Body Skills

Personally, I think this is what we need to master over the rest. Why is that? You become aware of yourself and the world around you. 

Now how is that? Taihenjutsu incorporates: rolling, falling, leaping, walking movements, evasion, and body fist harmony. When we become even slightly knowledgeable in these aspects we start to become in control of our body. How many times have you tripped, or seen someone, and have not been able to do something to save yourself? Or maybe you saved yourself but injured your hand, wrist, face or something else. Training in taihenjutsu will give you the tools to save yourself from a fall or a moment of unbalance. As you progress you’ll learn to move in an even flow. Being proactive in using your joints and muscles to move and not just as active falling and catching. 

What if you are old or injured?

An even better reason to work on your taihenjutsu. This is one of those things where a little goes a long way. First do what you can do and only what you can do safely. Your rolls, falls, and movements may not look pretty but with practice you’ll make it to where it will save you. Yes, that is the goal. To save yourself from injury.

But isn’t the idea of the martial art to defend / fight?

In general the martial arts are designed to protect. This is our concept. Our goal is to protect ourselves and others. Even from themselves. Taihenjutsu comes into play by controlling how we want to deliver our movement. Which leads into how we will effectively defend and fight. If we are thrown or tripped it helps us to control our fall. Or to create a sacrifice* to bring us on top and back into control. It can simply make our other skills better. 

Take taihenjutsu into your heart. Become aware of your movements. While training and in everyday life. One of the best things about taihenjutsu is you can always use it wherever you go. 

Keep moving forward.

* allowing the attack / throw to happen and moving with it to deliver a counter